2022 is expected to be the year of innovation in the event business. Recent years have dynamically impacted it and formed its current appearance - 2020 was the year of virtual events, and 2021 of hybrid events. What awaits us in 2022?

Another trend will be related to the number of world events – we will see an increase in planning of multiple small events, rather than big annual ones, as was the case before. This is prompted by the use of hybrid event platforms that allow companies to more easily organize events at their chosen scale. If your company is among them, you can check out our service for event streaming from any location.

If beforeevents were perceived purely as a “sales instrument”, i.e. source of income, now they are seriously betting on the PR activities of the companies, as a tool to boost different communication objectives. Instead of targeting a narrow group of people, hybrid and online events reach a wider audience. In this way, more users are covered in the consumer funnel.

One of the key features of hybrid and online events is their ability to collect data. This stimulates companies to conduct surveys that give them the most accurate statistics about participants - thus achieving more accurate targeting for the future. This trend will be even more on the rise in 2022.

n recent years, more and more companies have invested in technology to develop online event platforms that help maximize the audience experience. Such platforms offer features such as live broadcasting, audience work sessions, direct communication with users, networking, sponsor and exhibitor area, and other online audience interaction and activation opportunities. Contact us if you need advice on the most suitable platform for your event.
These types of events are relevant for almost all industries, but this year they are expected to be most popular among the education, commerce and human resources sectors.
Hybrid approach to recruitment
The increased popularity of remote work leads to the possibility of hiring international staff. Online and hybrid career fairs are the perfect digital environment for employers and job seekers to meet. At Launchee, we offer first-class video conferment connection and meeting rooms in the center of Sofia, which are a suitable option for online recruitment.
Internal events among remote workers
With the measures and restrictions imposed in recent years, many companies have felt that their company culture has been affected. To deal with this problem, they started to organize internal hybrid initiatives - trainings or team buildings.
Hybrid Open Days
Open days are an important step in the journey of the future students. But travel restrictions, cost and time constraints have prevented many prospective students from exploring their desired options in 2020 and 2021. Hybrid events have opened up an opportunity for both institutions and students and are expected to become the norm in this industry.
Academic conferences are going globalThey have always been an important part of the education sector. Previously, universities and conference organizers needed significant funds to invite new and interesting speakers. Now, thanks to hybrid events, the same speakers can be invited virtually, at little or no cost. This is why academic conferences will be more accessible in 2022.
A wider audience at trade shows
Trade shows are an important part of many companies' calendars, but until now they were only accessible to people in or connected to the industry. Recently, however, more consumers have gained access to these exhibitions, which is a prerequisite for potential customers and prospects for the industry. In 2022, even greater audience diversity and high attendance are expected.
In conclusion, event planning in the coming months will certainly undergo changes following such trends in markets development, audience behaviors and demands. But in all cases, event organizers prefer to organize hybrid events to get the most out of both parties – organizer and visitor. This will lead to a series of innovations and changing trends.