Enabling the audience to feel comfortable at a hybrid event is a basic precondition for its success. And while games can be a fun way to break up the monotony of in-person conferences, hybrid events definitely require a more creative approach. In the following lines, we will share a few tips and tricks that can be included in your virtual event to make it fun and exciting.

Q&A Session
Most often, virtual events are webinars. We all know the main challenge here - long information sessions, especially presented by just 1 speaker, quickly get boring. The easiest option is to start a conversation with the audience in the form of "questions and answers". The opportunity for them to actively engage with the topic contributes to an interesting and smoothly running event.

Networking room
How about a virtual room where visitors can join and meet new people while taking a break from the event? Main topics or themes, areas and/or interests can be set for participants to discuss.

Virtual photo booth
What’s better than going home with a great personal memento from a memorable event? The most entertaining way to achieve that even at an online event is with photos from a photo booth that can add filters and change backgrounds. Thereby participants can share their snaps with others and this will help strengthen their sense of engagement, of belonging to something bigger.

Webinar polls allow organizers to understand what the audience’s thoughts on the sessions are and what knowledge they would like to acquire. Surveys provide detailed information about attendees that, if analyzed and used correctly, can contribute to the success of your event.

Wheel of fortune
Some online and hybrid platforms allow you to include a wheel of fortune so you can give out prizes to participants in an attractive way. This type of activity brings a somewhat unexpected fun twist that can surely help you stand out in the sea of “classic” informative webinar events.

Social media wall
This integration in some platforms collects all posts from social networks related to your event. Thus, attendees can see what they're talking about and how outsiders are engaging with the event.

Breakout rooms
Introducing this type of session allows you to divide participants into smaller groups, encouraging them to focus and solve different problems as a team. This way they feel involved and a part of a community.
Of course, there are other perks and functionalities, so it's important to be aware of them when choosing an online or hybrid event platform. If you need advice and ideas, always count on us.