Do NOT cancel your event. Optimize it online. Let your audience know.
As every crisis is also an opportunity, many companies have had to make difficult decisions during the pandemic situation. To be or not to be? Should the company cancel a well-planned annual event or keep it, knowing it’s not safe and more than half the attendees won't make it? Neither of these options work. That’s why the flexible companies made a fast switch to a digital experience - promoting live-streaming events; conducting conferences via a video telecommunications system; holding meetings through, Zoom, Mural, Google Meet, etc.
No matter what platform you choose to transit your in-person event into a digital reality, you should match the perfect venue to your needs. Choose wisely the right place for hosting the streaming event. Make sure that it has all the technical equipment required. Thus, you will ensure a successful online event for the team and for the attendees.
This was the main reason why the team of the platform for innovation journalism Trending Topics reached out to Launchee in order to build their recent web-conference THE BIG RESET DAYS.

Launchee is the newest place in Sofia that offers space and equipment for production and live streaming of on-line and hybrid events. In fact, we have integrated a full video-recording-mixing and streaming studio in our spaces, together with the most up to date multimedia on the market. Empowering us with the full production and coordination of the live-streaming of the event, the main concerns of Trending Topics about putting the BIG RESET DAYS to life were solved.
The following article sums up our best tips for organizing a successful web conference:
Launchee’s 10 tips for organising a successful web conference
Choosing the perfect place is obligatory for any event success but afterwards, one has to plan carefully the communication tactics. Switching to digital experience is a valuable opportunity to bring more participants on board, but one should also keep the attendees that have already confirmed engaged. Here are the steps you shall not miss:
Inform your target audience about the digital transition
- Make engaging announcements with instructions on your website, along with all your social media channels.
- Send an email to all customers/attendees explaining the company would postpone its in-person event and shift it to digital experience.
Invite the audience to join exceptional digital experience
- Invite more people to join your virtual event via blog posts, social media, infographics, video messages, etc.
- Make sure that your promotional materials are high-quality and professional-looking because this has the power to make or break your digital event.
Keep your audience engaged
- Send a reminding email to the audience - it’s very easy to miss emails and social messages regarding intensive digital communication.
- Use your company’s blog/ social media pages to share updates of the online event and keep audiences informed of what’s being developed for their benefit.
LaunchEE your digital experience
- Finally, you should bring your event TO LIFE! Show attendees when the event is officially running, recommend sessions to watch and explain how attendees can interact with the digital experience.
- Take the best of the technical opportunities the venue offers! In Launchee your digital reality can benefit from great projecting equipment, smart integrated iPad info-system, Cisco conferencing and telepresence codecs and many more.
Although online events give you immense opportunities, you should not overpass live meetings (when the situation is safe) and conferences, as the audiences need both virtual and in-person interactions to be engaged and productive. Launchee gives you space and technology to make it happen. Online, in-person or in hybrid form, plan with us your next event!