Podcast about IT topics related to careers, technologies, news and more.
Sep 30, 2020 9:30
Sep 30, 2020 12:30
High regional expenditure on R&D does not necessarily lead to innovation and increased regional competitiveness if the regional economy is hampered by insufficient exploitation of its own R&D results and from a lack of access to public R&D results. Increasing SMEs’ competitiveness is at the core of the InnoBridge project by improving the Innovation Bridge and related policy instruments for SMEs: “Bridging the innovation gap through converting R&D results into commercial success in a more effective and efficient way”. This enables SMEs to better realize their innovation potential and to act as a catalyst for creating more high qualified jobs and regional growth.
After 3 years of intensive inter-regional learning and 18 months of Action Plan implementation that applied into practice actions aiming at improving their regional R&D and innovation performance and SME’s competitiveness, InnoBridge project 9 partners from 8 regions in 8 countries spread over Europe are ready to share their hands-on experience.
1. Insights into different stakeholder perspectives: managing authorities, universities, business community, local/regional authorities, structural funds beneficiaries;
2. Expert and political views on the challenges of R&D use and commercialization, current policies and available tools and funding;
3. Available data that can be used in improving policies and policy instruments;
4. Concrete examples of actions implemented in the framework of the InnoBridge project and their proven impact;
5. Lessons learnt and policy recommendations for the next programming period (2021 – 2027);
6. Networking opportunities and fostered debate among up to 100 participants from all over Europe.
Online live poll, Q&A
Online live poll, Q&A
This part of the webinar will focus on addressing the following questions: What measures can assure that R&D results are available to SMEs? How to raise and mobilize the existing skills and how to build skills for the future? How to seize the benefits of digitalization for improving the region’s innovative performance? What has proven to work?
This part of the virtual conference will engage participants to gain insights and exchange and delve into policy experience and good practices. With guided moderation participants will discuss and define lesson learned and policy recommendations.
Podcast about IT topics related to careers, technologies, news and more.
Тhe creators of the website "New Parents" established a podcast with experts in child education and development to discuss themes that are essential to all of us.Their goal with this endeavour is to make their message more accessible to their target audience.